Welcome to W A T E R M A R K

Watermark, formerly one of the longest-running, realistic, present-day human RPGs has recently reopened, now as a re-imagined, streamlined version of its previous self. Watermark is a fictional, small American city in the central U.S. (think Midwestern college town.) Middle-of-nowhere, landlocked, more or less unremarkable, if not for the people who call it home.


The atmosphere here is laid-back. WM is mostly an intermediate-to-advanced RPG, but there is no official word count. There are very few boards (purposefully) to encourage activity. Boards for specific locations downtown, in the outskirts, as well as individual residences, will be added if/when there is a need for them.


If you are new here, welcome! If you are an old member rejoining, then welcome back! Once part of the WM family, always part of the WM family.


Take a look around. We hope you stay awhile.
